Have you ever opened a gift that you could tell took so much love to make for you, that you felt your heart would burst at the gesture? That incredible moment when you realize that someone has taken their precious commodity of time and poured it into a gift beyond measure is absolutely priceless. I opened one of those gifts. It was an early Christmas gift from my sister, Auntie Em. The night of my dad's 60th birthday she could take it no longer, and had to have me open it right then. So I did, and my eyes brimmed with tears of joy. Dear sweet Em. Three months in her spare time had meticulously and in a very detailed manner compiled all my best recipes from Chef Tess Bakeresse and my Chef Tess.com websites. She had cut and paste document after document. Carefully she labeled and preserved my zany personality. Now it is all in one place for me to enjoy...and pass on to my children. She has in her own right, put into solid form, what I have tried to do this entire year...preserve my cooking for my children. I will never be able to thank her enough. I will also have to read it with a box of tissue just thinking of her sweet hands typing and organizing. It's unbelievable. Really.

If having the cookbook wasn't enough for any woman on earth...this made me sigh with awe. All the recipes on recipe cards...right on hand. I shall never be able to repay this gift. Ever.

All my love and greatest thanks. Once again, Em, you are the wind beneath my wings. My angel sister. I'm so glad you are a wonderful and intricate part of my life.
As a random end note...I visited a book store today and the owner said that if I got this book published, she would absolutely host a book signing. So...maybe, just maybe, that would be in the near future. Right now though...the book is out...here. Right here on my lap it's being adored. Thank you Auntie Em...the best editor money couldn't buy. Priceless.
What an incredible gift. Wow. Sisters are just the best, aren't they? I love my big sister dearly--can't imagine my life without her.
There is indeed nothing like a family book of recipes. A couple of years ago I took my great grandmother's notebook, which was falling apart, and typed up all the recipes to make a cookbook which I gave to family members for Christmas. People still remember the gift, even now, close to 10 years later.
The time I got to spend with you on your blogs, feeling close to you as you went about your life and shared your experiences and heart with me...that was the real gift. You are the bestes sista ever! Thank YOU for being who you are. Love you forever! Em
This post brought a tear to my eye. What a great thing your sister did for you!! ♥♥
In addition to hard copy cookbook can you offer the cookbook on a memory stick (that connects to a USB port)?
I would love to buy a copy!
We will work on getting copies to sell soon. Thank you. I'm deeply honored when people ask for the book, as I have had many requests. Big hugs.
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