Random New Years thoughts. 20 years ago posing for a cheer leading picture if you would have told me I was going to be a wife, mother, TV chef, cooking coach, food stylist, cub master, solar cooking advocate, home canning nut, Zumba dancer, new Tae Kwon Do student, and
blogger...I would probably have gasped in horror. Specifically gasping in terror at the utter mention of the word "blogger" since in 1990 I was still in High school and totally unaware of what a blog was. In all honest, I probably would have confused it with some kind of felony. Serial Blogger. Complete with neon ski-mask and some kind of weapon (like a licorice whip). Last year at this time, I had just become aware of what a blog was...so I'm a little slow. 20 years ago I worried about boys liking me. I was pretty shy. I went to the movies with my dad while other girls my age went to the Senior prom. I ate a box of ding-dongs and then I bawled my eyes out
snuggling my cat wondering if I would ever find my true love. Happy to report that I now I have a husband who is unfailingly loyal. In a few days we'll celebrate our 14th anniversary.
Each new years brings opportunities for growth, some of the opportunities can be disguised as challenges. I mentioned I started Tae Kwon Do. Yesterday was my first class. Seems like the perfect new challenge for me. I've set some pretty rigorous goals for myself, and fully expect to reach them.
Don't let this new year get away from you because you are afraid to look it in the face boldly and claim your victory! Now is the time my friends. Awake out of sleep and become the person God knows you can be. Never give up. Never. I'll never stop being a cheerleader and finding joy in encouraging all those around me. God bless you all in a happy New Year!
That's all I have to say about that.
Tae Kwon Do is great. I never took it, but went to watch our second born son at his lessons twice a week. He loved it. Someday he hopes to take it up again.
ReplyDeleteI love the new year because it is fresh and anything is possible.
ReplyDeleteI love your cheerleading. What a gift to give to others.
Happy New Year
When I picture you in my mind, that photo is EXACTLY who I see. :D You are still a great cheerleader!
ReplyDeleteAwe Kathy, we had some good times huh? Love you girl!
ReplyDeleteIf that was 20 years ago then why does it seem like...last week...in a hazy dream kind of way. Love you, dear one. I'm glad that the Lord molded you into the woman you have become (and not that stuck up cheerleader you were!). I like you better now (though I've loved you always!)!