
Saturday, March 27, 2010

Sweet! Random Thoughts

Sweet. My dog is actually an alien mind control droid. That explains a lot. It does not however, explain why she drags her bottom across the freshly mowed lawn. I can't figure that one out at all.
Sweet are the moments caught randomly on film.
Sweet. Ace falling asleep on the trampoline with Little Man on his arm. Sweet that Face was looking up dad's nose? Probably sweet that Face didn't stick a piece of freshly mowed lawn up that left nostril too.Yikes... Especially after the last comment about the dog.
Saaaweeet. The 70's.
Sweet Officer John Baker, played by Little Man. (Fade in...Theme to C.H.I.P's) I've got to get myself some shades like that.
Sweet...What I look like from behind when I'm blogging. Thanks to Little Man who now knows how to use my camera, while wearing ear plugs...since I think I yelped really loud when the flash went off.
Sweet... Teenage girls who have never decorated cakes, stand proudly for the camera after our cake class this week. Okay, that was a seriously sweet moment. No joking allowed.
Sweetest of all... Ace scrubbing the floor while singing a Whitney Houston song, "The Greatest Love of All"...and changing the lyrics to say..."Cleaning the floor for is the greatest love of all..."
This was right after he scrubbed the toilets. I know gals. It brought tears to my eyes too.
The stretchy shorts put me over the top. That's hot.
That's all I have to say about that.