
Sunday, May 30, 2010

Happy with a Box of Rocks

It's Sunday, my day to share a piece of my soul. Enjoy. A wonderful gal named Carol in rural Kansas sent my sons a box of rocks this week, along with a picture of her family farm that was sketched by her daughter Heather (I believe).
Over the course of my blog, Carol had been keeping up with me and she had noticed my boys particular love for gardening with their mom, and collecting rocks. One random day, she was bending over in her own garden and noticed some of the wonderful rocks that her own mother had gathered throughout her travels and then used to embellish their country garden. I'm so touched that she thought our home a worthy place to send these treasures. After careful examination, my boys joyfully washed each stone in the kitchen sink, dried them, and inspected the wonderful features of each one.

I was careful to notice their expressions. In my busy life, it had been a while since I had gleaned such unspeakable joy over a rock. Yet, here where my sons, gleefully giggling and smiling as they showed me the colors and textures of each one. Carol wrote, "Boys, you'll see that many of these rocks are course, uninteresting from the outside. Once a cut is made you see the true beauty within. A mix of chemicals and conditions influence the character of the rock. So too, it is with we humans. Beauty within is revealed upon closer examination. May your road to adulthood provide for strength of character." The crowning moment was seeing Face when he saw the quartz crystal Carol had included. He placed it on his pillow at bedtime, after saying his nightly prayer of thanks (and including the sweet thoughtfulness of Carol, who he had never met). I am filled with gratitude to a women who I've never seen, for her thoughtfulness in sharing her rocks. Carol and I love and adore the same "Rock". Now my question to all is you share the Rock that changes lives?
In the course of our lives, there is one Rock that outshines them all for it's beauty, strength, catalyst for change, and power to heal. This Rock was also cut, broken, even thought to have been destroyed, it changed the world. I should say He changed the world. "And now my sons, remember, remember that it its upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless woe, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation whereon if men shall build they cannot fall."Hel 5:12.


  1. that was nice of her. i love rocks also.

  2. I am feeling so empty now. I was so busy preparing for my sister's bridal shower, I got entangled in all that I was doing I did not spend time in prayer. Things did not go as planned either becoz we had an electricity blackout in our area. The sweet potato wedges and corn fritters did not turn out well. Had to use the fire instead of the oven. Sigh! My sister was happy though becoz things were better than she expected. I was not happy becoz things were not as good as I expected. I need to have a way of putting things behind me and go to the stone that the builders rejected for comfort. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Rosemary, thank you for sharing. I think we all have those days, and it is hard at times to turn to the Lord for comfort...yet so worth all that can come from that. My thoughts and prayers go out to you tonight. God bless you sweet lady. I'm so thankful for your comments, always.

  4. You did it again. I just got all weepy. Thank you for sharing your heart and soul on Sundays...I just love your heart and soul!
