
Friday, October 8, 2010

Homemade Whole Grain Nutri-Bars

Yes, I realize it's Freezer meal Friday. Breakfast is a meal. Grab-n-go is a must have. This just seemed like a perfect fit after this week's Homemade Fig Bars (Tutorial 101). Plus, I promised I'd share it this week and so far, this is the only thing I have not done for my people...who I adore. So, here it is. We freeze these little bad-boy happy treats. They're made with spelt flour and are fat free sweetened with honey. Now, what's not to love about that?!

For the filling, you will need 1 1/2 cup real fruit spread (those without sugar are awesome). If you use homemade jam, be sure it's pretty thick. You may need to add 1-2 Tablespoons of ultra-gel or heat it with 1-2 T of cornstarch mixed into the jam to make it a bit more firm as a filling. So far, the fruit spreads that are 100% fruit seem to be the best bet. I realize that this may be evil to suggest...but I'm good that way. How about using the Black Forest Macroon Conserve ? Wouldn't that be amazing?!

For the dough:
1/2 cup mashed banana (one banana is just about right)
1/2 cup honey or brown rice syrup
1 egg
2 tsp vanilla
1 tsp rum extract
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
3 3/4 cup whole wheat pastry flour or spelt flour

Combine the banana, honey, egg, vanilla and rum. Add the dry ingredients and form into a soft dough. Roll out dough and cut it as described in the Homemade Fig Bars (Tutorial 101), but instead of using the pastry bag of fig filling, fill your pastry bag with your fruit jam filling.

Oh my gosh. Don't lick the computer screen. Seriously. This is a homemade pink champagne and raspberry filling. Non-alcoholic...but very good.

This dough is not as delicate as the cookie dough, but it still needs to be handled with care. Fold it over the filling.

Cut into 8 inch bars and with a spatula, carefully flip, seam side down, onto a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
I was able to bake them an inch apart. They don't spread much.

Bake 12-14 minutes. I lightly dust mine with some lavender vanilla infused powdered sugar. This of course makes me feel like a fairy princess to put "happy dust" on stuff. That almost sounds like a drug reference. I know.
I've just made you an addict.

Allow to cool completely. These are perfect for snack baggies and keep frozen 1-4 months (though I don't think they will last that long with addicts in the house). Yield 20 bars.
There you go.


  1. These look amazing! I am will have to try them. I have some frozen blueberries I will have to cook up for the filling!

  2. My son is a NutriGrain bar fan... so maybe I will have to try this!

  3. Ya, I have to echo Chef John. Salivating big time. That is a big ol fat pipeline of fruit down the middle of these! I love it!

  4. these look just lovely...the fruit filling looks just delicious

  5. These look so good! My husband is going to LOVE them.

    Quick Question: It seems like the banana is a replacement for a fat in this recipe. Could you use 1/2 cup of thick applesauce instead of the banana?

  6. Yes! Applesauce would be awesome!

  7. Help, I made these today for my kids and the dough was kind of dry which resulted in over mixing and then the dough turning tough. What should I do?

  8. Did you use pastry flour or spelt flour? Regular wheat flour will give you a tough dough and would be easy to overmix.
