Sunday is the day I share a little of my soul. Enjoy.
The same can be said of many choice women I've met and adored because of the love of God that is in us. Like...Cherie Call...Who's music of Faith has changed hundreds of thousands for the better.
A few Kindred Spirited women have kept with me since my teen years when we were tour guides together. Now we gather now and then for a girl's night out...or a spice class...or a Facebook chat.
There have been Women who I've met on TV sets who later I've found shared that light of God. Oh, what a joy they've been to get to know...and share treats with!
I've found my "Almost Sister" who was born on the same day as I was, of the same year, to a different mother...but who has kept by my side over 20 years since we first met in church as teens. I love Sally.
Yet another Sister Found is Lisa Schumacher who changes the world through beauty products and helps free modern slaves! She loves the Lord too...and we cook together. I love this girl!
As my thoughts today have turned to the amazing women that come into my life almost every day, I am reminded of how easy it could be to become almost envious of the strength and beauty I see in them, rather than recognize that the light they have is in fact a direct reflection of the Divine Potential that the Lord has put within all of His children. There are almost too many women to mention! Oh how we ought to be building each other up and growing together in faith!
I found this amazing article that I wanted to share some thoughts from: here
Patricia T. Holland, “The Fruits of Peace,” Ensign, Jun 1984, 50
The Lord has said, “I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” (John 15:5.) He also said, through Paul, that “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, [and] peace.” (Gal. 5:22.) It is about the fruit of our effort that I wish to speak—the fruit of love and joy, which is ultimately the fruit of peace. It is a harvest that can only come in the Lord’s way. Its roots are deep in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
It seems tragic to me that women are often their own worst enemies when they ought to be allies, nurturing and building each other. We all know how much a man’s opinion of us can mean, but I believe our self-worth as women is often reflected to us in the eyes of other women. When other women respect us, we respect ourselves. It is often only when other women find us pleasant and worthy that we find ourselves pleasant and worthy. If we have this effect on each other, why aren’t we more generous and loving with one another?
I’ve thought long and often about this. I have finally come to suspect that part of the problem is the heart! We are afraid—afraid to reach out, afraid to reach up, afraid to trust and be trusted, especially with and by other women. In short, we don’t love enough. We don’t exercise to full capacity the greatest gift and power God gave to women.
Dr. Gerald G. Jampolsky, a psychiatrist from the University of California, tells us that love is an innate characteristic. It’s already there. But too often it becomes clouded over with fear, which, through life’s experiences, we’ve conjured up ourselves. He says, “When you feel love for all, not just those you choose, but all those [with] whom you come in contact—you experience peace. When you feel fear with anyone you come in contact with, you want to defend yourselves and attack others and there comes the conflict.” (Gerald Jampolsky, Love Is Letting Go of Fear, New York: Bantam Books, 1981, p. 2.)
I am so thankful that I've been able to see these glorious women as friends and sisters. I'm thankful for those who choose to lift others around them and build up the children of God. It's just so refreshing!
On an end note today. I just want to give a special thanks to a Kindred Spirit who I found in a ladies restroom at a Culinary school many years ago...
Tara. Tara!! Thanks for not thinking it odd that I had curlers on under my chef hat...or that I was singing a hymn in the ladies room. least not saying it "out loud" that you though it odd. Thank you for the unfailing advice a few years ago, "Steph, I think you should write a blog." To which I replied, " What's a blog?"...And all the support that has followed. God has blessed me with amazing women in my life and I will be forever thankful for sisters who are not my sisters...but indeed most amazing Kindred Spirits! Thank you for believing in me when I've found it hard to believe in myself. I will love you forever and ever!
TARA here.... Can't imagine life without Chef Tess. SOOOOOO GLAD you were singing that hymn in the restroom. And I am so excited for you and all you are doing and what started with your little blog. YOU are my hero!