
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Caramel filled carrot cakes with buttery coconut pecan frosting, candied pecans and Toffee

If you thought the post title was a mouth full, you haven't seen ANyThinG YeT!

Remember the Sourdough Carrot Cake with Warm Cream Cheese Lemon... sauce? Well...the batter is evil. Add to it some killer toasted sunflower seeds and plump golden raisins...use my Chef Tess Wise Women of the East Spice and Floral Blend instead of the cinnamon...
 Bake like a cupcake...except when it comes out of the oven and is still warm, take the blunt end of a spoon or your thumb and press a hole in the center of the you can wad up a chunk of gooey Peter's Caramel  and put it in there. I like to work in caramel at any given time. Mind you, I've tried baking the caramel in the cupcake and it will cook to too hot a temperature...ending up with a wad of rock hard caramel in there. Bleckkkkkk! I want gooey perfection...and I shall have it!'s where I don't give a recipe. I know...but I haven't posted it yet on my blog. Why? Because it's a freak-of-nature and needs to be sold in my bakery for slave trade...that's why!
 Candied pecans are the devil. Can I just say I'm totally insanely in love with them. Now...drizzled with a little roasted walnut oil and a healthy dusting of Chef Tess Wise Women of the East Spice and Floral Blend...It's the only dust I think we should have around the house. Really. Unlike dusting the furniture (which is *way* over-rated BTW) Random thought. You now what Phyllis Diller said about dust? You can let your children write their names in the dust on your furniture, just don't let them put the year. Phyllis Diller I love you. On the other hand...this is a dust I'm not putting anywhere but in my mouth.  You must have...dust. I may give this a little too much love and frosting...but this stuff isn't super killer sweet. It's got butter-vanilla bean-toasted pecan-sunflower seed-oooey gooey goodness. It's a hair-do, not a garnish.
 Now...pile up the stuff on top...don't pass out. I added some of Sweet-Stops toffee on top (did you see Friday's post?BFFF) ...chocolate side down so it would stay crisp on a cupcake. It's like a delicious force-field of Love.

 Then, because the special order was going to a whole lot of ladies as a "gift"...I wrapped them up with a little polk-a-dot basket and bow. can put all your eggs in one basket...if you are in an Evil-think-tank (have you been to my ETT ?) Mind control commences in five, four, three, two...
 I did the only thing a recovering sugar addict could do...I boxed them up and sent them away. can you go on living without one? I'm not fact I think there is a whole lot of Country and Elvis music about my desserts {in my mind anyway}...Shall we start with "You Where Always On My Mind"?  Tell me that your sweet love hasn't dieeeeeed! Give meee...give me one last cake to keep me satisfieeeeed...Okay. I'm sticking with baking. I say that...but have you heard me sing? Maybe I should start my own cupcake band?!  I think I could pull off a total frenzy of sugar and snappy tunes.  Okay...I'm leaving now. Where's my guitar...and my wizard hat...and my egg beater?

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