
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Finding Hope on the 10th Anniversary of a National Tragedy

Sunday is the day I usually share a part of my soul.  Today is a special Sunday. It marks an anniversary of a great human tragedy in America.I think there will be a lot spoken of today about the horror of 9/11. I think the best thing that ever came from this attack for me, was the renewed focus it brought me in my own life. I was at a park with my 2 year old son when I heard the news.

Matters spiritual became even more important.  I think this may be my favorite quote on the subject, from a 9/11 survivor:
 "After 9/11 some said, there is no God...for me, he's never been more real." V. Guzman 9/11 Survivor
Here is his story.

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