
Friday, March 20, 2009

Oreos on a Stick...

Random Thought...
Why can't I obsess over lettuce?!

It's three a.m. and I am thinking of Oreo cookies. So, here we go with another Random thought. Is it ever going to be gourmet to put an Oreo on a stick? I'm not sure. I haven't had an Oreo cookie in well over 3 months. That may be some kind of record for me. In all the history of my life I can count on one finger the number of times I have gone more than a week...and it is this three month stretch. Does anyone else claim these little boogs as the noxious danger food unhallowed, and banned from the house? I do. Can't have them in my car either. Evil little sugar rush fat bombs. So why do I even have this picture to torment me at three a.m. and remind me how beautiful I once had's like keeping the picture of an old lover. Why do it? Probably because I don't have any old lovers worth keeping a picture of. That may not be entirely true. Ace did rid me of any desire to ever go back to them though. Well done. Any of you ever seen Ace behind the wheel of a corvette? It's almost as breath taking as an Oreo on a stick. The symphony playing the "2001 Space Odyssey" comes to mind...

I should however, burn this photo in some kind of ceremonial ritual. I can't find my ceremonial garb. It might be draped over the stair step machine. Really. As if I really have any garb...or know where my stair stepper is. Oh hush. I do use it. I'm just being silly.
As for the pictures, I blame Tara ...Evil Tara, to those who love her. The last Evil Think Tank chocolate venture, we had these little devil sticks. I laugh out loud at the "made in France" word-age. Not gourmet. Totally all American. Greasy little shortening filled monsters. We actually did dip them in chocolate later. Tara's all stayed together. I blame my own shoddy workmanship for any that fell apart.
What's the obsession? Not sure. Can't figure it out even to this day why they haunt me so. They are honestly worse than any of my old boyfriends...and not nearly as greasy as the boys where. I also don't have any pictures of random old boyfriends on my computer. No pictures of them anywhere. So there you have it. Another totally random thought. I have those random ones a lot. So I ask again...Why can't I obsess over lettuce?!! Let's just have that question float around the cosmic universe for a while. I will now lick my computer screen.


  1. wanna know something weird? Oreo's do not tempt me. Not even one little bit. I think its pretty obvious that I have many temptations in life, but oreo's are not one of them. JP's family thinks I'm the wierdest person they ever met when it comes to food.-Lisa

  2. Tara says the same thing about Oreos. Not a temptation at all...which explains why she had half a bag at her house that was several weeks old. You know I have so many things that never tempt other people, and vise verso. That is exactly why food is so personal. There's always something for someone. BTW I recall your same anti-sentiment about fig newtons. Those are the other danger food for me. Probably because I want them when I'm homesick for my father...which only happens almost every day. Funny thing is, there are things we are so similar on it's almost crazy. Who else has ever had carrot pudding with lemon sauce?! Seriously?!!

  3. That totally made me LAUGH..I needed that thanks!!!
