
Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Tallest Organic Tomatoes

To the untrained eye, this picture of gorgeous tomato plants looks great, but totally normal.

To Jim, Organic Tomato Farming is something remarkable. There is nothing normal about these plants. In fact, the small ones you see at my waist will grow well over the height of my head. All it takes is the special magic of Jim. Once Jim waves his hands the tomatoes get tall...insane " Jack and the Bean stock" tall...
I think it takes a special kind of wonderful to get that kind of reaction from plants. I'm totally excited to be able to get more involved in this process. Now look at this remarkable picture...
Look how tall they are in comparison to my 6 yr old son...

I promised an update on the tomato farming and this is it! I'm amazed at how these bad boy plants are strung up with a series of wires and clamps. They are trimmed to keep one main vine and that vine get to be 10 to 12 feet long, producing more fruit than if it was in bush form. The real amazing thing to see is the well over 350 plants that fill just half of Jim's greenhouse. The tomatoes are perfect!

So we took some home and made some salsa. One of many trips to the farm over the next few months. I am so excited to get to work with this bunch of 'maters. Yes...and cook with them too!

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