
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sugar and Snow...Random Thoughts

Ace announced this morning that there was snow just 60 miles north of Phoenix...and we should really take the kids to see it. Ironically, that same snow storm had just prevented my old friend Andrea from driving to the valley to visit the gals for our scheduled "girl's luncheon" I was free. We crammed the car full of blankets, and kiddos...who had no idea what snow really looked like in person. How is it that they could be this age and never know what snow was like? I guess since I grew up in the snow...I never really connected that my kids had missed this vital part of their childhood. An hour and a half later...I was excited to see this...
Oh yeah! That's it!

I of course, being a bit more "girlie"than I ever remember being about the cold...enjoyed this special view from here...

Ace, who never wears his hat, wore it long enough to walk up the hill and back.

A vital stop for sandwiches to warm our innards.

Then...back to the snow...for about twelve minutes before my kids decided that snow was too cold for any human to really spend time in it.

Oh the twelve minutes of glory though...

I think it was this scene that brought it to an end...(no pun intended)...
What Petersen adventure wouldn't be complete without a small bag of these?! I'm horribly addicted to the little red fish. To my credit, it's been about six months since I had one (or twelve..).

Unfortunately, Face had a few of these and ended up bouncing off the walls of the car. You have to see this... Face on sugar, Little Man trying to raise normal parents...and Ace remembering why he never liked New Kids on The Block...(in that order).

Hopefully we remember this the next time Face asks for sugar, but if not...we'll get it on video.


  1. Good for you! Snow can be fun, but not in a day in day out driving on it kind of thing. Ohio has cold and the snow from November until sometimes March!

  2. Wow, that looks like quite a snow fall. I'd like to load the family and head for somewhere with no snow, but apparently that would be a really long drive!

  3. Looks fun-and COLD! Hey, at least those Swedish Fish are a "fat free food"... hehehe
