
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sugar Syrup and Master Bakers (Bread of Life Section)

Sunday is the day of my soul. I must's been a rough week. Many things have happened that I don't fully understand. I'm not complaining...ever. I'm just saying that sometimes I wonder if the Lord looks into the pot of boiling sugar syrup that is my life and smiles. He knows what it will be but I'm just a novice Baker's Apprentice next to the Master. It's my first day on the job...and I've never seen this before. I don't know what He knows. I can't see what he sees. And yet...He gives me ideas. He gives me insight as the syrup is boiling. He adds heat when I think it should stop. However, unlike mortal Master Bakers...He holds my hand. He doesn't rant when I mess up. He doesn't expect absolute perfection. He does however expect I make an honest effort and that I work. He does expect that I use pure ingredients from his Master baker approved sources. He does expect I seek out the best in all my baker and non-baker friends. I know he wants me to teach others what I know and build up his baker kingdom. When the time finally comes for me to leave this life...
It will all be clear. I'm excited to see what He really sees in me.

In the meantime, I'm going to just pay close attention to what He has to say. I'm not certain I will ever know it fact, that may be the point. Yes. That is the point.

"Remember that you are entitled to our Father’s blessings in this work. He did not call you to your privileged post to walk alone, without guidance, trusting to luck. On the contrary, He knows your skill, He realizes your devotion, and He will convert your supposed inadequacies to recognized strengths. He has promised: “I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up”--Thomas S. Monson

There it is.


  1. Whatever you're doing, you must be doing something right because after many, many (many, many) prayers, you've got my husband speaking the language of healthy foods. Only a God sent, inspired mentor could do that among so many other things you've blessed our lives with. I can't tell you how grateful I am.

    If there's anything we can ever help you with, PLS don't hesitate to ask.

  2. wow~ were we on the same page or what? "supposed inadequacies into recognized strengths" it! Thank you for posting that, it read almost like something other than a talk, more like a private and personal blessing. What a beautiful thing to recognize something so personal in his words of hope.
    I have been thinking ALOT about our last conversation, and have realized how truly blessed I am to call you friend.

  3. Came to check out your website a second time, and came upon this post. I love it!!! What an awesome analogy. There have been many times when I thought for sure my sugar was going to burn, and sometimes it's awfully hard to trust in the Master Baker, but I have found when I turn everything over to him, things usually always come out right.
    Thank you for sharing your powerful testimony of Him.
    Joni Lang

  4. Well said, my friend. Well said.
