
Monday, April 25, 2011

Chef Stephanie's Picnic segment on Valley Dish

Crafty ideas and food safety


  1. I am so glad you are posting you schedule to the side.. So i can set my DVR n advance if I am not going to be home. Watching it on the computer is not nearly as cool!

  2. I have a question about sourdough:
    I was using and making things with my sourdough starter and then we did a kitchen remodel and it sat in the fridge for about 6 months, I pulled it out of the fridge, drained off the grey liquid, scooped out the healthy looking starter and fed it, it only had a few bubbles but we had good pancakes the next morning. I fed it again to regenerate it and it has not bubbled at all and I'm on day 2, is it ruined or should I let it sit for up to a week? Can you kill a start by non-use? Sorry for the long post, I didn't see any way to email you :)

  3. You should still be okay, just keep nursing it along. Use it every day for the next few days and it should regenerate pretty well. It needs to be around 85 degrees or so to really be happy and perhaps give it a little sugar or juice in addition to the flour to help it along. Great question.

  4. Thank you I will give it a try, right now in fact!

  5. Report back time: I live @ 6500 ft and we still are having snow storms (this morning we got 2 in!)so I knew my kitchen isn't anywhere close to 85 degrees. I set my starter on a heating pad and it has been going strong and I've made many things-even your corn crepes! Thank you.
    BTW What do you do about the dried out starter around the edge of your bowl, do you just mix it back in or do you keep transferring containers to keep it clean?

  6. Oh hurray! I'm so excited to hear things are going well! That made me smile! As for the edges, I don't transfer, just scrape down the sides now and then and let them assimilate back into the softer starter. Thanks for letting me know how things are going. It's always so cool to hear results. Best wishes always!
