
Friday, September 16, 2011

BFFF! Best Friends, Finds, and Food! Friday!

Friday is the day I share some fabulous Friends, Food and Finds! 
If you're baking  or cooking something special, running a unique business or have a really outstanding product, I love sharing it here! So...this week we have some cool stuff going on!

Gingham Project updates! Oh I love you guys! Sister Daisy's KidsCongratulations to both our sponsor families and TEN of our sweet kids who have now been connected with a family. Sponsor families provide hope, encouragement and faith in a world that has been pretty rough on these young kids. Thank you!

This week I'm hoping we can find a family for a beautiful girl named Raja.
Raja \r(a)-ja\ as a girl's name is of Arabic origin, and the meaning of Raja is "hope".
AIDS took her parents at age 4. At age 14, she needs help and a friendship with a family who can share in her hopes and dreams. If you would like to help Raja Kumari, please let us know. 
(please note: the child photographed is a 4 year old- the age that Raja Kumari was orphaned. She is now a 14 year old child.)

 I'm honored to be part of what is going on with Gingham! If you want to see how my "Gingham Masala" is being used to help feed the kids, look Here. To order the spices go here. 
They also have a few other items in their store that all benefit the kids 100%. 

Okay, so now I'm moving on to some of my friends! This is Tom. We met at the Honeyville Farms preparedness fair last month and totally talked artisan bread. He's awesome and knows a ton about grain!  I was so excited to hear that he was building an outdoor bread oven. Well...He recently sent me a picture of his outdoor artisan bread oven completed. Um...yeah, he built this! I'm so excited for him...and jealous! Tom is in Utah so if any of my amazing friends up there wants an oven built like this, Tom is totally available for hire as well. Contact me at and I'll connect you with this remarkable baker and oven maker!

I have to do a shout out to Linda Wachtel  the amazing apron seamstress! I ordered one of her aprons a few weeks ago and wore it on Fox 10 for the segment on Homemade Laundry Soap.  Her Etsy shop is called  Elsie's Flat and I love her work! The seams were perfectly even, the fabric was heavy, good quality and she got it to me really fast.'s another one she did called  Butterscotch Cupcakes! Isn't it adorable?!  Thank you my dear!

 On a sad note.
 Here's another dear friend who is dearly missed. Denna. Denna was shot in her home last month and died tragically. We used to sit in the foyer together at church and she grew up in my husband's family's neighborhood.  Her parents are beautiful people and we love them dearly.  

  Saturday, Oct. 8th there will be a Benefit for the Denna Strebe Memorial Trust there will be Indian Frybread to benefit the family. 

 The benefit will be in Mesa.
1912 E. Jensen Street Mesa, AZ 85203. 10 AM- 3 PM

That's all for now on this weeks BFFF! Thanks for all you guys do and all the love I feel everyday! It makes me so happy to be part of your life. 

Your Friend,
Chef Tess

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