
Friday, September 2, 2011

BFFF! Friday's Fun!

Friday is the day I highlight some of my friends, finds and food around town and around the world. Sometimes folks send me email or post of Facebook and I have to share some of these great experiences! So here's a few, in random order. I'm ever so good at random order. 

First a Friend, one of the moms who has been coming pretty regularly to my cooking classes is named Amy. She and I went to school together and I have to do a shout out to her! Hooray for Amy! Expecting baby number eleven and she's still going! Love you girl!!

We have a new friend to meet with Sister Daisy's Kids! I'm so excited to help him find a family to sponsor him!
9 year Arun Raj is the 4th child on the left with the blue pants. We are looking for a family who can open their hearts to him. $30 a month pays for his schooling and food. He lives in a hostel and stays with Sister Daisy during school breaks .
 Check out Gingham Project for more opportunities to help our little friends in India!

Okay...Food finds. I've been totally in love with the tomato powder for making pasta sauce! So much so that I think I'm gong to make another convenience meal in the jar that will end up looking like this...

If you missed the other recipes they are here!  On that note...I'll be talking about freeze dried convenience meals in a jar this week upcoming on Fox 10! Tuesday at 9:45! Isn't that going to be epic cool?!

One of my favorite "Finds" this week is my outdoor food dehydrator! Thank you Food Pantrie and my darling friends at Preparing Wisely! You know what I love about it? I can put food in it out on my patio hanging up and it dries them wonderfully! So...thank you! Wonderful product for a "greener" way to dehydrate here in the desert! Specifically this week it's been my herbs!
 Find that was super fun...Mel's Diner. Yes. The original Mel's Diner from the old show Alice. We took the kids for fun since Ace had been talking about the show all week. What a blast from the past!
 Ace seriously loves old diners. He'd eat at them all the time if it wasn't so unhealthy. That being said...he was in "old diner" heaven! Look at this face looking at the menu! was totally an old diner too. No frills and certainly not fancy. However, the food was down home and just what you'd want on a trip to a diner.
 Including Face and his burger.
 Next up! An awesome friend!  The Play Factory that I LOVE has it's special back for Friday's! 5$ a kiddo all day to play! So...I had to share that magnificent news and say thank you to them for that! It's hot and my kids need somewhere to go besides crawling through my air ducts...and no...I don't let them do that. {For the record}.
 Oh and one last Friend!
 Next Saturday September 10th Fondant Class with Lin Sue Cooney of NBC 12 News! She's also the owner of Sweet Stops bakery! I'll be showing painted decorative bread, enjoying the class and showing my new spice line!  Contact me for details or contact Lin Sue Cooney at Because you know...the toffee is amazing!!
There you go! I'll be sharing more next week from around the corner and around the world! I hope you'll join me!
Your friend,
Chef Tess

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