
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

How You Bean?! Class printable PDF

For those who live on the other side of the world and don't have the chance to come to my classes (thank you all for the email, by the way! Xoxo), I thought I'd share my class notes today for Tutorial Tuesday. There's some great bean advice, recipes and good ways to use the beans.  I have attached the links to get the printable PDF's of the class tutorials, notes, and recipes. Enjoy! Xoxo!'s my handy dandy chart for how long to soak and cook beans. Enjoy! Oh...and for those who came to the class...the font is now fixed and it's actually a readable size! So...print away. Love you all!~ Chef Tess.

Chef Tess' Bean-Stock-Pot List
Dried Beans (1 cup) Soaking Overnight Regular Cooking Time Pressure Cooking Time
Adzuki (red)
none 45-50 min 15-20 min
Black (Turtle)
overnight 45-60 min 15-20 min
Black-Eyed Pea
overnight 1 hour 10 min.
Chick-pea (garbanzo) overnight 1 1/2- 2 ½ hour 20-25 min
Fava beans overnight 45-60 min Not recommended
Kidney overnight 1-1/2 hour 10-15 minutes
Lentil, red none 20-30 min 5-7 min
Lentil, Green none 30-45 min 6-8 minutes
Lima, baby overnight 45-50 min Not recommended
Lima, large overnight 60-90 min Not recommended
Mung Bean overnight 1 ½ hours 8-10 minutes
Split pea (green, yellow) none 35-45 min Not recommended
Pinto (Bolita, Zuni, Cranberry, Anasazi) overnight 1 ½ hours 10 minutes
Soy Bean overnight 3 hours Not recommended
White (navy) overnight 45-60 min 15-20 min
White (Mortgage Lifter) Overnight 1 ½ hour-2 hour 20-25 minutes
Tutorial, Basic Beans 101, Chef Tess.pdf
Chef Tess Bean 101 Class.pdf

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