
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Random Thoughts...Ace Day

Today is Ace's Birthday. So, I made pumpkin caramel sticky buns with toasted pumpkin seed that are the size of a full size dinner plate for him....
 True confession...I think he likes getting old.
I made a point to let the boys pick out some snazzy gifts. Knowing how sentimental and funny dad is, they asked to go to an antique store to find his "birthday treasures". Face found a "Fall Guy" metal lunchbox from the 70's...original. It was complete with battle damage from some little kid. When Ace opened it...he hugged it and almost cried. It's now in a place of glory displayed in our bedroom.  Little Man settled on a not-so-antique gift the next day. Yes, we found the first season of "Starsky &Hutch" on DVD...what can I say. It seems that my husband likes old car shows. Who knew that the driving Ace would like car shows?! Yikes.  

However, the biggest, coolest gift came after the actual gifts.  Little Man and Face made birthday cards.  To me, these were a priceless.  Why? Because at the store, my son Face turned to me and said, "It doesn't matter what we buy dad...he'll just want snuggles for his birthday. We might as well go home and only give him snuggles. He'd be happy." Anyone who know my husband will 100% understand that comment. The man absolutely adores his kids. 
So...Happy Birthday Ace.

That's all I have to say about that.

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