
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And The Winners Are...

 Isn't this a cute Flirty Apron?!!
Frilly Apron and E-book Giveaway is over! Thanks to all who entered and joined the fun...and the winners are Kelly and Cassandra. Please send me an email with your address so I can get that info to our friends at who hosted this wonderful giveaway! Thanks a million for joining the fun!! Also, Kelly and Cassandra are going to get a free copy of my e-book! How fun is that?! For those who missed out...don't worry. I have a lot of fun giveaways planned. Also...If you won in Last Week's Giveaway I'm still missing a few emails from the winners. I'll give you a day or so more and then I'll have to pick someone new!  Email: to claim your gifts! 

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess


  1. Congrats! Kelly and Cassandra


  2. Merry Christmas! Congrats to the winners!

  3. Whuu Whoo! Thank you Chef Tess! I am so excited to use your yummie ebook, and what better way to be inspired than with a totally cute apron! Sincerely Thank you for the gifts. Kelly

  4. Can't wait to use both items!
    Feel an old Mervyn's commercial comin' on:
    OPEN! OPEN! OPEN!! :)

    Want to ring in the New Year with great, tastey treats and flirty, fun flair!!
    Thank you Chef Tess!!
