
Friday, December 2, 2011

Today's Fox 10 Segment: Christmas and Holiday Neighbor Gift Ideas

Gifts are an expression of the heart. They show your love. They show your caring. During some tight years, neighbor gifts that I made at home were the only thing that really saved our family Christmas budget. Every penny counts for a lot of folks this time of year! So...  

That is why I am excited to share this Segment on Fox 10 this morning at 9:45 AM! 

We covered a lot  of "neighbor gift" gift ideas! The small ones that really can add up!

Wise Woman of the East Spice and Floral blend is coming to major stores soon along with my other spices! That's exciting beyond words for me! For now, you can find it here

Oh. As a random side note, but I've been snuggling with this beautiful afghan all week. A darling gal named Lynn made it for me for my birthday. I have to say thanks. It's totally an expression of love to make a gift!
So. Here are the spiced nuts snuggling with that gorgeous blanket. Did I mention it's one of my favorite colors ever?! 
 Here are the recipes and label PDF's for printing and using at home. 

Recipes for your  Neighbor Gift Ideas.pdf
Labels for your gifts:  Neighborgift.labels2011.pdf

My detailed blog entry on the recipes and ideas is here

There you go!
Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess

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