
Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Meal in a Jar: Breakfast Ham and Zucchini Quiche Casserole (Low Carb & Gluten Free)

One of the classes I adored teaching was how to make shelf-stable meals in a jar that are good 5-7 years. This is, in fact, something I have done for my family for years. It's just a super practical way to have a "grab-n-go" meal for any occasion. Unlike other jar meals I've seen, the ones I plan are "just add water" and include the meat, veggies, sauce and all...ONE jar. One place. Grab-n-go!   These quart size jars make a meal for our family of 6 (4 adults, 2 children) and average about 9 cups of prepared food coming from the small amount of space in a quart jar. They can be made in mylar bags, but I personally prefer the jars. They're airtight, rodent proof and clear, so I can tell if the food is still gorgeous. Yes, I do slip into my Hollywood fashion designer alter-ego and say, "Fabulous Darling! Fabulous!"  Yes. I realize I'm odd. Shhh. I'm happy in my delusion. It keeps me young. What was I talking about? Oh yeah...

 I'm sharing an adaptation of an old family recipe that I think is a keeper! I made it for my kids and the 12-year-old had 3 plates of it. Next time I'm making half gallon jars. I'm getting into teen years with these little whipper-snappers. Yikes. Needless to say, the meals will feed a normal family of 5...or one teenage boy. I also plan a loaf of bread a day per person (for rolls, breadsticks, or sides like that) in my food storage. I have a whole series of jars based on those too...but that will be a later post.   This is an adaptation of my mom's Zucchini Casserole. I grew up with this fresh from the garden and I wanted to capture the flavors in a jar meal for storage.  Thankfully I have found the most beautiful freeze-dried zucchini slices!  I have to stop myself from eating them like potato chips right from the can. You know what else I love? I love the there's no junk added to my favorite brand of freeze-dried veggies.  It's just the veggie. Just the fruit. Nothing added but happiness. 

When the Breakfast Ham and Zucchini Quiche Casserole is in a jar, it looks like this...

Cooked, it looks like a quiche and tastes like a quiche...without the crust. 

My Mom's Ham and Zucchini Quiche Casserole
1 cup Freeze Dried Ham
1/2 cup Freeze Dried Bell Peppers
1/2 cup Freeze Dried Zucchini
1 T Powdered Butter
1/4 cup Ova Easy Egg Crystals or Scrambled Egg Mix
1/2 cup Powdered Sour Cream
 2T  Ultra Gel
1/2 tsp  Italian Seasoning
1  1/2 cup Freeze Dried Cheddar Cheese

 *Real freeze dried meat must be in a glass jar or mylar bag with an oxygen absorber. Open all your cans of happiness. Line up your jars. Get all your measuring tools and stuff together. Make sure you have all your ingredients. 

Put the green onion, freeze-dried ham, zucchini, and bell pepper in the jar. Add the powdered ingredients and shake them down into the veggie mixture. This is how I get a lot of product into a small space. I shake things a lot in my jars. 

 Add the cheese and top with a fresh 300 cc oxygen absorber. You can also use the jar attachment on a food saver, but you'll need to either cut a coffee filter to fit the top of the jar or use a cupcake/muffin liner at the top of the jar just inside the rim to keep the dry particles from clogging the hose. I prefer the speed of the oxygen absorbers. Frankly, that's how I can do so many in a short amount of time. If you want to use the slower method with the lid attachment, you totally can.  
In about 25-30 minutes, the jar lid will "pop", indicating you have a vacuum seal. 

I made eight of these meals in about 15 minutes (one was prepared and in the oven when I took this picture). Eat your heart out, Rachael Ray. One dinner in 20 minutes is so last week.

To prepare:  Preheat oven to 325 degrees.  Pour the jar ingredients into a 2-quart bowl and add 2 1/2 cups cool water. Allow to hydrate 10 minutes.

 Lightly grease a 9 inch by 9-inch casserole (or solar oven 9 inch round pan works too).

Cover with foil.  Bake until set, 325 degrees 35-40 minutes. Do not over bake. May be stored in the refrigerator after baking and heated for service. 

I had enough ham to make about 10 of these meals, so initially, the cost is about $8 a meal. Some meals or less if you use the TVP. The sausage TVP is amazing. I'm a big fan.

There you go! Welcome to my meals in a jar!  

Estimated Nutritional Information:
Yield 5 Servings, 336 calories, 25 g fat, 5 g carbohydrates, 1 g fiber, 21 g protein.

Again, the sales of freeze-dried products from my website is a huge blessing to my family and will be to yours.  I give out the recipes here as a service. If you do share them, please give full credit to this site.  Thank you so much!  Onward an upward!

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess


  1. Colleen (One of the ladies from Payson :)March 16, 2012 at 12:31 PM

    Loved your class last night, Thanks for sharin'!! Looking forward to using those spices and filling some jars with something yummy :)

  2. Colleen, you are so sweet to travel so far to see me! I was telling my husband about you and your friend (and one other gal who came from TX!) and how I just felt so honored that you would take so much time out of your life to visit me. He said,"good people find each other." It made me so happy! Thank you for making the trek! Xoxo! Have fun with your meals!

  3. :) I just shared your comment with the rest of my family who's here to celebrate the holiday with us. the whole room said "awwwwe, what a sweet lady!" :) Looking forward to your next class that we can attend!
    Have a blessing filled day!

  4. Just made your Mom's Ham and Zucchini Quiche Casserole from cookbook (mini version for 1 for breakfast). So good!

    My mom made a similar version (I grew up in family of 18 kids in the 50s & 60s; mom was KS farm daughter from family of 13. She knew how to pinch pennies.) from powdered eggs, dried cheese & vegetable #10 cans, she bought from army surplus store. All of us kids loved her quiche and I've made them from fresh for past 40 years.

    I couldn't tell any difference from fresh in your recipe. Excellent! Janice

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