
Sunday, June 24, 2012

The Works. (The Bread of Life Section)

It has been a red-letter week. I wish I could go into more detail on that subject but at this point we're not really talking about too much. I've had some amazing experiences that have made made me sit in wonder at the awesome hand of the Lord in my life and the way that miracles have come at just the right moment to answer my prayers. It has been a week full of marvelous gifts. One that I will not ever forget. So. How's that for being ambiguous?

I will however, talk a little bit today about work. I've had a lot of friends recently who tell me, "I don't know how you do all you do! You're going and going all the time!" I think that perception is an interesting thing. For though I "go" a lot, I don't try to run faster than I have strength or fill my schedule so tight that I don't have time to ever speak to a friend for a few minutes. Yes. I work like crazy. I fall to my bed at night exhausted. I'm probably not alone in that though. Many people work that hard. There are details of my life I don't share on the blog. Many know them who are near to me. I think the thing that keeps me going in my journey on earth and the work that I'm earnestly engaged in, is the assurance I have behind it that the Lord is ever watchful of me and the support I receive from the Spirit. Am I always perfect at remembering the Lord? No. It is a constant battle to be in the world and keep the focus out of the world. It is a constant battle to remember who I am and what I have been asked to do as a follower of Christ. Wife, mother, sister, friend, teacher, and all the roles I play on this stage of life must be supported by the hand of a divine Father. If not, I will fail. 
 God's Grace is amazing. For, even after all I can do, I will never be able to work my way into salvation. Ever. God doesn't work that way. In Luke 2:17-18 (KJT) we read, " Even so faith, if it hath not works is dead, being alone. Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me faith without thy works, and I will show thee my faith by my works."
I think that scripture is most profound. There's much to be learned. However, I can't also help but think that works without faith are also dead. God will look into the heart and will know, even if nobody else on this earth ever does, what the intentions of my heart have been when I have put forth an effort on earth. I let myself think of that. I let it soak into my soul.
The battle rages on. Many will fall by the wayside. My hope is that you and I will someday sit down in the kingdom together and that when the Lord looks at me, I will look back at Him knowing that I have done a work that was accepted by and endorsed by His hand. That is all I can ever hope. You and I can't "do it all". I don't know how you do it all. I just know that I can do all things that are needed and necessary if I keep God in the equation. Nothing is too hard for the Lord. Thankfully.  Onward and upward my friends!

There it is.

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Tess


  1. Wow! What an inspiration! Thank you. Thought I would read something about some really healthy, wholesome bread I could bake in my kitchen ... and got something 1000 time more nutritious ... it fed my soul. You truly ARE an inspiration.

  2. Your comments remind me of that Erma Bombeck quote: "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me'." From the little I've glimpsed of you, you are well on your way. <3

  3. Chef Tess that was the best recipe ever shared!! Thank you!

  4. I recently read that we aren't earning our way into heaven, we're LEARNING how to LIVE in heaven while here on this earth. That our faith and good works are giving us the foundation to live in heaven is a wonderful thought. Just thought I would share.

  5. Thanks Mom. That faith and good work together is pretty much how God works isn't it? Action and powerful belief...that is what moves the universe. Faith in a living power and the work behind it will change everything. I love you!!! Thank you Marlena, Peg and Pam. Wonderful happy tears. You guys make me happy! Thank you!!
