
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Bread of Life Section: True Identity

Sunday is the day I share a little of my soul. Enjoy.
I don't have a lot to say this week. I just wanted to share a little insight from my life. I hope it helps your life.  

I did a lot with TV and classes this week. I visited 3 different television shows. I taught over a hundred people how to cook at cooking classes. I baked a lot of bakery orders.   In between that I was mom and wife and daughter-in-law. I'm not going to lie... I felt frazzled. I felt tired. I felt incredibly stressed.  Somewhere in there I also felt overwhelming peace as I walked my path. 

When did it start?  I have a Christian friend named Jane who reached out to me and prayed with me. Literally. Jane stopped in the middle of our conversation and had a prayer with me...right in the middle aisle of her store. It was awesome. She reminded me by her example of being a believer that I am first a disciple of Christ. Always.   

A few days later I had opportunities presented to me that would help support my family until I can find full-time employment.  An old friend reached out to me, one I had lost contact with, but  who was baptized just a few years after we first met. I got to see his family and the joy they have found following Christ. I have to admit I cried a lot after our reunion. Not because of the work he gave me (even though that is awesome and appreciated) but because of the path his choices have taken his family. 

 I found joy. I found gratitude.

The most amazing moments of the week were those when I remembered that no matter what I face, I am not really a chef, wife, mom, or teacher.  I am...His daughter. My friends who are followers are with me. My friends who don't care what I believe are still my friends.  I am loved, not because of what I do or what I accomplish, but because I am a His daughter. 

  Focusing on that has been an amazing gift this week. It has carried me forward.  

So that is my thought for today.  Breathe. Rest when you need to...and keep moving onward and upward.

There it is.

Always My Very Best,
Your Sister Tess

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