
Sunday, February 26, 2017

Cooking with Chef Tess to Air on the Heartland Network in Las Vegas

I received an epic call from the owner of TgoTV a few nights ago and I'm still having a hard time digesting the gravity of the news.  Since my pilot episode launched in November, there hasn't been another episode of the show added to her network, and I was beginning to think that it was a pretty dream, but that it might not go much further.  Theresa Goss, the network owner and my Producer,let me know that she had been in a meeting with the head of the Heartland TV Network in Las Vegas.  During her meeting, she had been able to show them my pilot episode. She said that they loved it and wanted it on their network on local TV with the possibility of it going national on all their affiliate stations.  After I dropped the phone and stopped giggling with joy, I was able to compose myself enough to just scream! Hooooray!!!!!! 

 Long story short, the papers have been signed and my show will be airing on Heartland TV  in Las Vegas on channels 34.2 and on Cox cable channel 97 every Saturday at 1:30 pm starting March 25th! YES!!!!

There are several Heartland TV Affiliate Stations Nationally and this definitely has the potential to take the show across the country.  I'm trying to maintain some level of calm, but in my house, I've been squealing with absolute joy for days on end!  

That being said, not only has it been a remarkable few days, but I have been filled with so much gratitude.  The journey is still going to be long, but thankfully, there's new opportunities still ahead and I am so excited! 

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess


  1. WOW!!!!! I am sure you are excited. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

  2. This is such fantastic news Chef Tess! I know you have been working so very hard for such a long time and it must be amazing to see the results of all of that hard work finally paying off. You are such a talented woman and I'm so very happy for you!! I'm doing a dance of joy right along with you and yours today! Congrats! This couldn't have happened to a nicer person - I just adore you!

  3. Dear Tess,
    Congratulations on your new outlet! Best wishes for every success! I wanted to thank you, I'm doing the food for a baby shower for my daughter. I am building a food coral reef!! I saw pix of little croissant crabs on Pinterest, which got me thinking...and I wanted to make cowrie breads, so I tagged bread painting and got your tutorial!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I wish I could send you a picture! Here's to you and your mentor Tracy!

  4. So exciting! I'll have to let my friend in Vegas know. So happy for you!!
