
Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A Long Needed Camping Trip Intermingled with Fishing Recipes

After nearly 4 years without more than one or two days in a row off work mingled between sometimes ninety hour weeks, I got hired by a company that actually believes that employees deserve to be human. I'm so blessed.  So, the first part of July, I spent ten days in the mountains away from society...with this guy. The Pansy Man. Sweetest dad on earth, and it was heaven.

Still trying to be glamorous, of course...
My family has been fishing at this dam in Logan, Utah for my entire life.  I haven't been here to fish since...forever. It was so peaceful and so perfect that I didn't want to ever leave.  Plus, my mom and all my siblings got to be there. It was precious. 
Between fishing and lounging around a camp fire, I found the peace to continue with a usually hectic life back home.
Plus, I got to spend those days with my sister, Auntie Em. Let's admit it...Em is really awesome!
The Professor showed up to the festivities and I got to meet my baby niece, who was already two years old and I hadn't been able to visit until now! She's perfect. She's named Em too. I call her Emmie Part 2.
During that visit, we had some pretty daggum awesome any foodie family would.  One of my favorite was this quinoa Tabbouleh made by my rock-star sister in law, Queen Char. I love this lady. She definitely rocked this salad!

Quinoa and Feta Tabbouleh
  • ¾ cup organic sprouted quinoa
  • 1 1/2 cups boiling water
  • 1/4 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice (2 lemons)
  • 1/4 cup good olive oil
  • 1 Tbsp.  kosher salt
  • 1 cup minced scallions, white and green parts (1 bunch)
  • 1 cup feta cheese
  • 1 cup chopped flat-leaf parsley (1 bunch)
  • 1 hothouse cucumber, unpeeled, seeded, and medium-diced
  • 2 cups cherry tomatoes, cut in half
  • 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
In a rice cooker, combine the sprouted quinoa and boiling water. Cook 20 minutes until tender.  Cool for at least 20 minutes. Add all remaining ingredients.  Chill. Serve.

We'd fish for a full day, return to camp and have them for dinner, and then return and repeat the following day. I know that wouldn't be appealing to a lot of people, but it was time by the river with clear water, fresh air, and the quiet patience of a very good man. It was my favorite vacation the history of ever. 

On my last night there, we had a big family barbecue. We had 15 trout and a few catfish...ready to feast.  
The easiest way to cook the trout and catfish on the grill, was to wrap them in  well oiled aluminum foil after highly seasoning the outsides of the fish with dill, garlic, and some onion. Inside the cavity we added some fresh lemon, salt and pepper. 
The catfish got Cajun seasoning...and smoked paprika.  
Dad got the grill going in his garden. I love that they don't have a regular lawn and yard, it's 97% garden. 
Zucchini is totally killer delicious during the summer, so we glazed them with a white balsamic citrus and pepper glaze. It was just the perfect combination of tart citrus, heat and buttery avocado oil. 

Summer Squash White Balsamic Citrus and Pepper Glaze

1 cup avocado oil
1/4 cup white balsamic
1/4 cup lemon juice
1/4 cup Worcestershire  sauce
2 Tbsp black pepper
2 Tbsp lemon zest
2 Tbsp lime zest
3 Tbsp minced garlic

Combine well, and glaze 2-3 lbs fresh zucchini and allow to marinate for 1-2 hours. Retain remaining glaze after marinating the zucchini.  Grill as desired. 

Grill the fish packets for 3-4 minutes on each side. 
Grill the zucchini 4-5 minutes. 

Remove from the grill and toss in the retained glaze. Add minced parsley or cilantro if desired. 

For dessert, mom made grilled pound cake. The recipe is Here
The fresh blueberries with a light lime syrup were perfect over the grille pound cake. 

Fresh Blueberries with Lime Syrup

2 lb fresh blueberries
1 cup sugar
1/4 cup lime juice
1 Tbsp lime zest
2 Tbsp. corn starch
1 tsp vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a half gallon pot and bring to a boil. Cook 3-5 minutes until slightly thickened. Remove from the heat.  Scoop over grilled pound cake and top with ice cream if desired. 

There you go darlings. Delicious summer vacation food made simple for more time with those you love most.

Always My Very Best, 
Your Friend Chef Tess


  1. Good for you! Seems you had a wonderful trip.


  2. Such an amazing time! I love all of your glorious pictures - and you reported correctly - it was awesome and the food was delicious! It was a little piece of heaven right here on earth :)
