
Saturday, September 16, 2017

Rambling Review: Isopasta High protein Low-Carb Pasta

Remember the day I promised you guys that I'd only review on my blog the stuff I liked, because I'm classy that way? Well. Here's a good one.

I recently found a low-carb pasta that is based on protein...and it's really good.

 I didn't get paid to do this post. 
They didn't send me any free product. 
This is just my own  experiment and observation because I thought it sounded too good to be true! 

 It's called IsoPasta
photo courtesy of Isopasta 

Things to note:
  • At first, the price threw me. I'm admittedly a cheapskate and I'm used to the normal pasta prices at the grocery store, but then I did the math. For low carb, what I'd pay for a protein supplement or protein bar anyway, I could actually eat a rather filling and tasty meal. 
  • It makes a lot of pasta!  One bag of their pasta along with vegetables and lean beef, made about a half gallon of finished fusilli. They called this 5 servings, but the pasta is so filling, it was really more like 8. Plus the calorie count was 170, including only 7 net carbs and 30 grams of protein. 
  • Cooking time is real.   The package actually says to cook it for 30 minutes. That threw me off too. I'm a chef. I like a good texture to my pasta, but on this one they aren't kidding. 30 minutes and it is the texture of regular pasta. 
  • It's really filling.  I can eat this at noon and not have a hunger pain until six hours later. Not many protein bars can offer that.
  • It's so much like pasta, it's scary.  Like really scary. For those missing pasta in their life, it's a real blessing!

There you go. Just a quick review of something yummy!  Have an awesome Tuesday my darlings!

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