Wednesday, January 24, 2018

A Country Wedding Cake for My Nephew

I have been a little out of the loop the last few weeks, but I have to share the photos from this wedding cake I did for my nephew Andre and his new wife Lydia. The wedding was the last week of December and it had a "Country Winter" theme.  The pictures really don't do it justice. The base is 16 inches wide and 8 inches tall, so it was really a good size. Lydia wanted it to look county with edible burlap on the top layer. The second layer we made to look like a Birch tree trunk with their initials carved in it.  The base was to be sculpted buttercream of a winter mountain and Pinetree scene. 

The biggest challenge was trying to get the three layers to tie together, but I think the addition of the edible burlap on the base of the cake as well as using some as leaves, made it work. 

Here's a better look at the finished Birch tree trunk layer...

Here's the sculpted buttercream base. I did this one all free-hand.

Here's the edible burlap and lace top layer, minus the bride and groom topper.

The best part was seeing the look on the bride's face when she saw the cake. 

Of course, it really was never about the cake. It's about these two finding each other and building a life together, but I was really happy to be part of it all. Congratulations Andre. She's a great addition to the family!

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend 
Chef Tess


Charlotte Moore said...

Oh my, you did a fabulous job on that cake. What detail on the winter scene and the tree. WOW!!

I hope you haven't been sick. So much sickness right now.


emmers said...

That cake was SO absolutely incredible! Your talent shared in creating this for Andre and Lydia was the best gift they could have received - thank you a thousand times over for the hours and hours that went into making this wedding cake amazing!

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