
Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Onward He Goes and End of 2021

2021 has been a no-entry quiet year here for me on the blog. I apologize. It's been a struggle. In January my eldest Son went into the hospital and has been in and out with some health issues the entire year. In April my doctor told me that my brain tumor doubled in size. I haven't been really vocal about it on social media, but I've been quietly dealing with the reality that I'd have to be facing a higher level of pain for the rest of my life. It is still benign. Thankfully, but it will cause me pain. June hit and covid came to our family. I was out with pneumonia that comes with it for almost two months. Somewhere in the midst of it, I asked the Lord why I was still permitted to live. Yes. It got that bad. I am still recovering. My lungs are weak. However, something good has come. For at the end of this struggle, we have this miracle. 
 In 2008 when I started this blog, my baby was not even in elementary school and I was just struggling for sanity. Many of my faithful followers have been with me through all of the changes and challenges of this baker Mom's life and seen this little dude basically grow up on the blog. He's been such an amazing influence in my journey and inspired me to do so many hard things. From my first TV spot on local TV on raising kids on whole foods to getting out and teaching moms how to cook. 

Later when he and his brother were in school I started working a full-time job and supporting the family so my husband could be a full-time care provider for his parents. That was hard.  This little dude was always part of the fabric of the blog and the family, bringing joy to the food and the fun ideas to the recipes we would create. Often we'd teach homeschool classes with other children. Both of my boys were always involved in that part of what I did with the recipes. Back then I called him Face on the blog. His name is actually Luke. 

At age 18 Luke now has an Associates's degree in Business Accounting and has graduated from Seminary. He is determined to go into Horticultural Science and Agronomy when he returns in two years. January he will start something else. I mean he will be growing but in a totally different way. 

Sunday I'll be speaking in the church at a send-off service. In two weeks, Luke will be devoting his life to serving Jesus Christ and God as a full-time missionary in Denver, Colorado. In this day and age, it is a brave and honorable thing to devote any portion of one's life to that level of service. We're very proud of him. I admit that I'm nervous to see him go. Sad even, as I've relied so heavily on Luke for so many things over the last few years, but I am so thankful for his willingness to serve the Lord. 

Other updates.

My husband Ace is still the primary care provider for his mother, who lives with us here in the mountains of Arizona. It's probably the least appreciated job on earth, but he does it every day without complaint and with kindness.

Our eldest son Sam is still here with us as well. After a year of health struggles and stuff, I'm seriously grateful for that. His health has not permitted him to serve as a missionary. He loves everyone. He is a kind and good man with a bright mind and wonderful thoughtfulness in everything he does. He brings me so much joy. Sam has finished his Associates's degree as well and continues to pursue his personal goals. 

So 2021 ends with some pretty wonderful news and some miracles. We're all still here. Luke leaves soon for Denver. Sam is alive and smiling. I'm still working at a job that I adore.  I've been with them for 5 years and they've continued to be an answer to prayer time and time again. 

Ace continues to cheer for all of us. Oh. That's my favorite part. Ace continues to be the best darn Dad and husband a family could hope to have. He's also about the kindest and most thoughtful son he could be to his mom. In a crazy world full of insanity, this is all we can hope for. 

There you go. Merry Christmas to all. I hope your year has been full of adventures and joy. I've missed updating here, but please know that we are well. 

Always My Very Best,

Chef Tess


  1. Wow, You guys have been through a lot. Way to keep your heads up! Thanks for the great ideas in your book!

  2. Blessings to you from me and the Lord Jesus Christ our Savior. I have been searching for a forever yeast recipe as I recall watching a baker grab a hunk of dough and stick it in the fridge for next time. I am currently brewing my first bread batch that will produce the handful of yeast for the future. I was poking around your blog and saw the post about the flour recipes that you posted for your missionary son. This caused curiosity as to what type of missionary he is. Praise Jesus he is spreading the truth of our Savior. Our nation is in dier need of laborers to spread the gospel. I pray regularly for this as my 5 sons are all rejecting the gospel at this time. Praying for laborers to share the gospel in a way to penetrate their hearts. Also, I had a similar experience with covid pneumonia as I was all prepared to be with the Lord. But, He has other plans for me as my husband and I lead a home group that started with 7 lovely people and has grown to 11. It appears people are hungry to study the Word of God. Lastly, as I am sure others have prayed for you, I would like to also since you have blessed me with your blog. Abba Father, I ask for your healing touch on my sister in the Lord to remove the tumor in her brain. Amen
