Happy brilliant-bright-shining Monday! I try to do a food storage recipe on Mondays and since I'll be on Valley Dish tomorrow using some of my homemade roasted tomato salsa, I thought it would be perfect to share the recipe here today! What do you think? Salsa season? Um yes! Especially since the salsa I love and use has been completely depleted by my salsa freak adoring husband. Normally that is okay, but when I'm thinking I have a certain ingredient only to find it snorted down and gone...well let's just say I was a little flustered. I needed to make some anyway, right?! Okay. Perk for you! I'm sharing the recipe. See...something good has come from Ace loving salsa...besides a tortilla chip famine.
Remember when I was hard core working on Organic Tomato Farming with Jim and I had a bazillion of these?
I came up with a recipe back then that made Ace literally drink bottles of salsa. He's a salsa boy. Honestly I couldn't decide if I wanted to share the recipe here on the blog or save it for bottling and selling across the country or at farmer's markets. Um...yes, we like it that much. However, I think it's safe to say that I can share a version here that's so close it's almost it...but not give away all my tricks, right? It's a medium heat salsa I custom designed for Ace who doesn't like a lot of cilantro in his salsa. I'm a cilantro girl. I like a lot of chunks in my salsa too, but if you prefer a smoother salsa, you'll need to puree it. Ace also doesn't like, ironically, a lot of peppers in his salsa, so this one have very few. I roasted my tomatoes in the solar oven and then finished cooking the salsa on the stove.
Home Canning Safety 101 is a good place to start if you've never done any home canning. You'll need some equipment for this if you want it to be safe to feed to your family after sitting on the shelf.
Chef Stephanie Petersen's
Roasted Tomato Fajita Salsa
6 lb blanched tomatoes , peeled half pureed, half rough chopped
1 medium onions, diced
(1T olive oil)
1/4 cup minced garlic
1/2 cup roasted mild Hatch green chiles, peeled and seeded
1/4 cup Frank's Red Hot Sauce
1 cup apple cider vinegar
1T fresh cracked black pepper
2tsp fresh ground coriander seeds
1T salt
2T dry cilantro
In a heavy 2 gallon stock pot over high heat. Add olive oil. Put onions in pan. Do not stir for 5 minutes until one side of the onions are very dark brown (as you would for fajitas). Add the garlic and cook 2-3 minutes. Add all remaining ingredients. Simmer 20 minutes uncovered until thickened. Place salsa in sterile canning jars with 1/2 inch head space. Process 15 minutes for pints jars.
Could you please post on how to properly cook fajitas? I was intrigued by the fact the onions were kept in the pan until browned; I've always tossed mine around.
Doug, that's a great idea!