
Monday, May 20, 2013

Healthy Chocolate Truffle-o-Power Cracked Wheat Cereal in a Jar

 I'm kicking off the 90 day weight loss challenge here on the blog today! My boys got up with me for protein shakes this morning.   I'll be adding many new and amazing healthy recipe choices! I hope this will motivate you as much as it motivates me! In all honesty, I already have a lot of really healthy recipes here for using whole grain and eating whole foods, I'm just going to be a lot more consistent about posting the new recipes I'm making.  I think it will help me to have some accountability and you to see how much fun we're having along the way!  We've already starting family walks and I will be doing Turbo Fire everyday. 
If you've already e-mailed me about joining me on the 90 day weight loss challenge, then welcome aboard! We're in this together now!!  Let's go!

Today's breakfast was this bowl of delicious chocolate happiness...

 I bought 100 lbs of gorgeous non-GMO Cracked Wheat a few months ago because it was on sale.  After reading this Living Strong Article on Cracked Wheat as well as the  article about the Benefits of Cracked Wheat , I am getting excited about using more of it.   Now, I know there are many of my readers who are wheat-free and gluten-free. For more of those whole grain recipes, see the recipe index for grain-surgery-101.  
I use wheat often here as well as offering gluten free options.  So today I want to share a new recipe for a meal in a jar for those who are trying to lose weight and watch their calories and use whole grains like wheat.   One more reasons to eat wheat...if I have to give you one,  is  the prebiotics in whole grain that help promote a healthy digestion system. This was cool to me!
 " Prebiotics, sometimes referred to as fermentable fiber, are nondigestible nutrients that help promote the development of good intestinal bacteria, according to Some evidence suggests that eating lots of prebiotic-rich foods can improve intestinal disturbances. Prebiotics may even improve your ability to absorb calcium and fight off illnesses. Many nutritious foods you can find at your local grocery store contain prebiotics. Read more: here"

I've added oat fiber flour. Two tablespoons of this flour (about 10g) will give you an amazing 9 grams of fiber in your diet, with only 2 added calories. Awesome stuff for helping me to stay full longer.  Now here's the cool thing, this meal has 152 calories, 18 grams of fiber, 23 net carbs, 6 grams of protein, and only 1 gram of fat. Drip a few drops of your favorite stevia or non-calorie sweeteners on the finished cereal and you'll have a delightful treat!

Chocolate Truffle-o-Power Cracked Wheat Cereal in a Jar
1/4 cup  Cracked Wheat
1T baker's cocoa powder
2T natural granular erythritol (optional)
1/2 tsp vanilla powder (optional)
dash of salt

Directions: Shake the milk powder, erythritol  and cocoa down into the wheat. Store in an airtight container up to a year. I use a wide mouth half pint jar. Up to 10 years with an oxygen absorber. 

To prepare: Combine with 1 cup boiling water and simmer low 8-10 minutes until thick.  Add natural sugar-free calorie free sweetener to taste.  I love berry or english toffee Sweet Leaf Stevia drops

This will make 1 servings per pint jar.
Total nutritional value per  serving:
Calories, 152
Fiber, 18 g
Protein, 6g
Fat,  1 g
Carbohydrates, 23 net

There you go my darlings! A great recipe for some creamy Healthy delightful cracked wheat! Enjoy! What are you having for breakfast??!

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess


  1. Quick question. Your recipe seems to be missing the amount of cocoa to add.
    How many tablespoons? I can't wait to try this.

  2. Oh dear. Soooo sorry. 1 Tablespoon. That would make a difference! Xoxo!
