
Friday, May 17, 2013

Graveside Memories and Tender Mercies

 Today we buried my Father in Law. It was a really tough day and one I will never forget. I called him "Mr. Putt Putt" here on the blog because we had the joy of watching him putt around the house with his walker for the last few years. I don't really have a lot to say, but I will share my thoughts on a few of the highlights.

One. We were driving behind the casket when it went under the covered bridge leading to Dad's hometown. If I think about the hundreds of times he passed under that bridge and how it felt as he passed under it one last time, I bawl. He loved that town. 
Second, I've visited this quiet cemetery many times...but never to bury a friend. It was really emotional, but the Spirit of the Lord was with us and we had incredible peace.  
Third, I got to sit on the front row next to my Mother in Law and see a unique perspective as the Navy officers brought her the flag from his coffin.  It was incredible. It was humbling. It broke my heart to see her face as they handed her the flag on behalf of the US Navy and the citizens of this country. I'm so thankful for that experience. 
 Fourth, as we walked away, I knew without a doubt that we'd see Dad again. I'm thankful for our Faith in our Savior Jesus. He brings us so much peace. 
 Finally...a tender mercy.
As everything was winding up, my nieces and grand-nephews brought over a unique treasure...a toad. I was so happy that the children were able to find this new pet during something so difficult for everyone else. Just another reminder to me that the Lord, in his mercy, has joy for us, even during times of adversity. 
And caterpillars that will turn into butterflies when it is all over.

There it is.

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess

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