
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Onward He Goes

Sunday is the day I share a little of my soul. Enjoy.

 Those of you who have followed the blog pretty regularly will remember that I have had the honor and privilege of having my sweet Father in Law living with our family during his older years.  It has been one of the crazy-funnest things on earth to have him putt around with his walker.  My children have spent the last 5 and a half years at his feet learning about the world from a Navy veteran of world war two. Yes. My father in law is almost eighty seven years old. My husband was born when his dad was in his forties. 

Over the last few weeks his health has deteriorated immensely.  Thursday and Friday, most of his children, grand children and great grand children trickled into our home in a steady stream to have a grand sending off party. He wasn't awake, but he was embraced and loved by all that came to see him.  
Yesterday morning, in the peace and quiet of our home, he passed from this life. It was the most bittersweet and amazing experiences of my life.  I can't really put into words how it felt to see his body laying there, yet knowing that he was gone from it. I've never had such mixed emotions. Part of me is joyful. I'm so relieved that he is able to be free of pain, rejoicing with his Heavenly Father, Savior, and dear family who have passed before him. I'm happy for him. Elated for him. Joyful that he lived a good life.  There is the other part of me that misses him terribly. 

That part that misses him is the same part of me that wants to be better, do better, live better. That part of me that misses him wants to be ready to meet my own Savior at any given moment with a prepared heart. That part that missed ever thankful that I know that God lives! I know that my Father in Heaven is real and loves me. I know he hears my prayers.  I know he loves us all.  I know we will live again. That part that misses him knows that we will be together again...and it makes the part that is joyful, even more happy.

That being said, this week I will be planning a funeral, making arrangements and connecting with my family. Thank you all for the love and support you give me. It keeps me moving onward.  Onward and upward my darlings!...Off he goes. 

There it is.

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess


  1. I am so sorry for your loss. It is a blessing that your children were able to spend so much time with him. Sending you prayers for your coming week.

  2. THANK the LORD for the Precious Memories. Bittersweet indeed!!

    GOD BLESS!!!

  3. my prayers go out to you and the entire family. Bittersweet is right. The only good thing about the PAIN is that it means we truly LOVED the person we are having to say goodbye to.

    (I can totally see the resemblance between Ace & his dad... for a quick second i thought it was a flashback picture of my old DL - Elder "Petey" (and they could totally be related to Elvis)

    LOVE and HUGS to you all!

  4. Thank you Robin. It was a huge blessing to have the influence he had on my boys. Charlotte. Thank you. Jeri, I'll pass your comment on to Ace. He sure is a big fan of yours and I'm so thankful for the plan of Salvation! Where would be be without the Lord?!! Lost and afraid that's for sure! Love you!

  5. I like this poem, I think it says it well, maybe you will too.

  6. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  7. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  8. Tess- very sorry for your loss. The memories you and your children have of your time with your father-in- law are priceless. You gave him a wonderful gift by taking care of him.
    . I just happened upon your blog today trying to figure out how to cook homemade frozen lasagna. My mom was a wonderful cook who knew everything instinctively about cooking, baking. I miss not being able to pick up the phone and ask her my questions. She passed 8 years ago.
    Your devotion to your faith is very impressive. Your family is lucky to have your influence. I am also impressed with your dedication to the nourishment of your family and your cooking skills.
    Thank you for sharing.

  9. You have my deepest sympathies, Stephanie. I was unaware of your loss or I certainly would have expressed my condolences when I saw you Saturday. My prayers go out to you and your entire family.
