
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Eggs in Tomato Sauce...and World Peace

I made this Israeli Egg dish a few days ago in anticipation of my upcoming segment today on NBC 12 Valley Dish in Phoenix.   The Israeli version is spicy with paprika and absolutely amazing. Come to find out that there are several versions of eggs poached in tomato sauce that are eaten around the world. In Italy they are reffered to as "eggs-in-purgatory". In France Eggs-in-Piperade.  In fact one comment that I got on my Facebook Page  from a sweet lady in France named Dominique said this,

"Quand j'étais jeune ma mère nous faisait des oeufs sur des tomates fraîches : elle coupait les tomates en tranches, elle les faisait cuire dans une grande poèle avec de l'huite d'olive, elle assaisonnait avec du sel, du poivre, un peu d'aillyophilisé, et quand les tomates étaient bien cuites "compotées" elle cassait des oeufs sur les tomates et les faisait cuire à couvert (couvercle..."
 Translated:  "When I was young my mother made us eggs on fresh tomatoes: it cut the tomatoes into slices, she was cooking in a large pan with olive oil, she seasoned with salt pepper, a little aillyophilisé, and when tomatoes were cooked "stewed" she broke eggs on tomatoes and cooked, covered (lid the egg should be cooked but not too soft to be =) this dish with a slice of fresh bread is a treat!!"

 I'm actually going to be making a family classic that we've enjoyed since the time I was a very small girl. We always called them Ravioli Eggs. How comforting that Dominique's mother made eggs in a similar way.

The truth is, I love the fact that people all over have enjoyed this dish as a simple home classic.  It makes me think that if we can all somehow agree on this...

We can certainly agree on a lot more things. So, it may not be world peace...but it's a step.   So, find my recipe for today's show here,
and join me today for a taste of home, comfort and happiness. I'm so looking forward to it!

There you go.


  1. Tess,

    this is your "walmart friend". I hope you had a chance to try the bottled chicken! I thought of you when I last canned some...About this recipe, my mother is French and she always made me eggs with sliced red tomatoes. I didn't realize it was an international dish until I read your blog. Interesting!

    Great job, as usual. Keep it up!
    (don't worry, you're safe from running into me again. I hardly ever go to that Walmart, I was just there on a whim)


  2. Hey girl, love these. I just blogged a recipe on them a week ago. And I am really excited to be recreating this dish with some of food storage stuff I was asked to review. You will have to check it out next week.

  3. Yep, two vital things needed to make our planet a better place: Eggs In Tomato Sauce and world peace. ☺
