
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Today's Fox 10 Segment: Herb and Spice Alchemy 101

Did you join me today on Fox 10 AZAM  for some amazing information on homemade vinaigrette and how you can use the herbs and spices already in your kitchen for home remedies? It was awesome!  This segment started when I taught a class at Andrea's home for her closest friends.

 Andrea Robinson is one of the morning anchors on Fox 10...and may I just say, having known her for almost 3 years...that she is every bit as real and sweet in person as she is on TVAlexis Vance was also there...another kindred spirit and dear friend who happens to be on Fox 10. She's a doll! Love you Alexis!
For more pictures of Andrea's party look here:  Surprise Party for Andrea Robinson
 For More information on how my spice blends are helping feed impoverished children in India go to the Gingham 

For more information on herb and spices in the kitchen go to my post on  Herb and Spice Alchemy

To order my spice blends go here.

To see my latest FREE classes go here

For private class information contact me: 

I look forward to seeing you soon! Xoxo.

Your Friend,
Chef Tess.

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