I Am Totally In the Sticks!!
I spent a fun afternoon with my darling friend Tara! I had been ga-ga over her blog entry about cheesecake Lollipops. I mean take one look at these love bombs. What isn't to like or love or devote your life too? It is always fun to get TWO evil masterminds together in a think tank--yes I am talking about Evil Tara (E.T) and myself Evil Tess (E.T) . ETx2=MC. Mountain Cheesecake.
I spent a fun afternoon with my darling friend Tara! I had been ga-ga over her blog entry about cheesecake Lollipops. I mean take one look at these love bombs. What isn't to like or love or devote your life too? It is always fun to get TWO evil masterminds together in a think tank--yes I am talking about Evil Tara (E.T) and myself Evil Tess (E.T) . ETx2=MC. Mountain Cheesecake.
The more time I spent with her today the more I saw the fine line between utter genius and mad scientist pushed to its limits. Either complete galactic destruction OR complete divine perfection could result. It was a beautifully twisted mind melt, I can assure you! I'm absolutely sure that these are pretty close to divine perfection. Just the right size to give me a thrill. Small enough to keep my galaxy in tact. The vast reaches of space that sometimes make up my rear end.
The GENIUS was piping the cheesecake in mountains from a giant pastry bag instead of scooping and rounding cooked cheesecakes. We inserted sticks, chilled well, and then dipped in chocolate. We made a couple dozen. Last time I checked, my husband had downed an entire gallon of milk and there wasn't a single lollie left. Good thing too, because I was thinking I might have to eat a couple and now E.T. has GONE home!!. Evil Tess has gone home. I did manage to put the lollies in a freezer bag like E.T. and fly on my bicycle. Ok. no bicycle. Boring tan minivan. I am pretty high with sugar though.
I am not making more lollies...today. I will let you know when I spend more time with Evil Tara's genius. Pure evil genius. I know it will upset some great cosmic plan if I don't share this with the world! Oh and Tara, thanks for not giving me Reese's pieces. All TRUE evil prefers chocolate.
I just can't get over them. It's amazing that simply looking at these is thrilling. I can only imagine what actually EATING them would do to me...
...I wonder if I can handle it.
Amy, you are a woman of substance! Even I...yes I...could hardly handle these! They where THAT good!! I have every confidence however, that you would have to try 5 or 6 just to be sure! It's a good thing we don't drink! Chocolate is bad enough!
I was totally thinking that yesterday! I was thinking, "I wonder if God could forsee how addicting and titillating chocolate would be. And if so, why didn't he add that to the Word of Wisdom?!"
Without chocolate, I may have become a drunk at some point.
Slurp... Drool... (excuse me whilst I mop off my keyboard)
DE-lish! DE-lectable! DE-sireable! Um, how can I get my grubby little mitts on that recipe? I NEED it. NOW.
deep breath) Sorry about that. I put my evil-chocaholic-alter-ego back in the closet. Now, about that recipe...? 8^)
Recipe...cheesecake off it's crust, whipped with a paddle in the kitchen aid...piped through a giant pastry bag onto a parchment lined sheet pan...put sticks in the mountains...freeze...dip in chocolate, making sure to have the chocolate get up the stick so the filling doesn't ooze out. That's it...Don't worry, I have an evil chocolate alter ego too...
I'd like the recipe too. What does cheesecake off its crust mean? Do you mean actual baked cheesecake separated from the crust and then whipped in the mixer? Do you add anything else while mixing?
Yes! Exactly. An actual baked cheesecake off it's crust (or if you can find one without a crust in the first place or make you own). I have a friend who made the lollies with the Philadelphia cream cheese premade "cheesecake filling" in the tub by the cream cheese at most stores. That works if you freeze the lollies first before dipping. No need to add anthing to the filling unless you want to alter the flavor in some way...rum extract and a little orange zest never hurt. Keep the chocolate fairly cool to the touch, but still melted, and then make sure when dipping that the chocolate makes it a little up the stick so the top seals and you don't have filling oozing out. BTW, thanks again for ordering my spice blend.
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