When I was a girl, I would often go on walks with my mother. They where our special time together. Sometimes we would stop at a local bakery on our walk and look at the wonderful pastries. Sometimes we had cinnamon rolls. My mom can bake the most incredible cinnamon rolls. Sometimes we walked along a local river and soaked up the scenery. Whenever we did walk, I felt like I was the center of my mom's world. I loved those walks.

"My Mother". I know there will be a million or more blog entries today on mothers. It is, after all, the special day set aside to honor mom. My mother Grandma Neive asked that this Mother's day we get her something special. It couldn't be bought. It had to be our favorite childhood memory involving her. Our walks where special. I can't remember one in particular that sticks out in my mind, but the routine was always the same. Even up through my teen years, we would hold hands while we walked. Long after it was "cool" to stop holding mom's hand. I will never forget the feelings I had with her.
When the Lord finally saw fit to give me children, she was there to walk with me. I wasn't sure if that walk would happen in this life, and I am so glad it did.

We are now separated by hundreds of miles. My path has brought me here to Arizona. I miss our walks. A lot. I look forward to walking all over the world with mom. Paris being my fondest dream with all of it's pastry shops. Mom would love that. More important than walking the world together, I look forward to our long walks in Heaven. Mom would love that. So would I.
So, this Mother's day my thoughts have turned to my mom. For all she is, and isn't...I love her. As an adult I can see things in her I never knew existed when I was a child. I still love her. Thank the Lord today for your mother. She gave you life. She alone walked through that valley of the shadow of death... to bring you here. I am thankful for that walk. I love you mom.
Your mom is amazing. You remind me of her a lot. Thank you for the post.
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