Look what I got in the mail today. I could hardly believe it as I held the magazine...

Not because I finally got a magazine in the mail...but because on page 31 I found this amazing article on my
painted breads! They told me it would be there. It was just surreal to actually see it in print. So, now it's official. I've been published. Ahhh. This calls for some chocolate.

So, if any of you new readers are here from Australia, "g'day". Welcome. I hope I can inspire you in any way I can. Here's the first place to start :
painted breads. Enjoy.
Congratulations! How awesome is that?!
Brilliant! Well done Chef Tess!
Chef- What a joy to share your passion for beautiful foods- in this case breads with pizazz!
I'm looking forward to my fall baking with new energies. Doing my doodle practice and saving the best ones to be translated to bread decor. I'll share the photos from breads, etc baked here in Kansas this fall baking season!!
Congratulations on your Australian baking article- you inspire the best things in the kitchens! God bless all you do!
G'day Chef Tess :)
You'd be surprised where some of your readers are from no doubt!
I haven't tried painting bread, but I love to look at your designs.
ok, this is double-y cool. One, YOU"RE PUBLISHED! Two, you're published in AUSTRALIA the land of my father!
You are just TOO AWESOME!!!
I think I would be surprised to see where some of my readers are. Anyone care to sound off? I'd love to see it! I got an e-mail from Bali that shocked me. Didn't know I had any readers there. Just nice to know that my love is reaching anyone out there...and especially nice to share the joy you have of food. Thanks for your sweet words!
WOW, Steph! You have come along ways from making mud pies to cheesy bread sticks to making fancy doodley do dough all the way to the land down under. Keep on rolling.....
Aunt D
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