Don't hate me. I walk a fine line between total chaos and complete harmony. Do I share the evil stuff or do I just share the good stuff. Is it possible to be both evil and good? These are wrong. They should never happen. Yet, here they are. These are wicked little devil stuffed bread sticks full of Chocolate and peanut butter. I love that combination (along with 90% of the American people). I love it all chucked together in a bundle you can take anywhere and it doesn't melt. This of course is the kick in the pants post. The "walk an extra mile" post. I mean the "
need to burn more calories" post. In my twisted plot to get you deeply enmeshed into reading my lovely blog and staying forever in happy land...you will need to look at the post :
Stuffed Breadsticks for full information on how to make the dough for the bread sticks. These ones are made with white flour. Use organic if you can. It took a large bar of Lindt cut into strips...

About a tablespoon of peanut butter spread out on the dough and then the chocolate kinda mashing it in place. No comments on my thighs needing to be mashed into my jeans after this. I'm just saying...I had to put in a 3 mile walk this morning to compensate for my indiscretion yesterday. Totally worth it. I'd do it again.

Yes folks. I would do it again. When some fancy food chain picks this idea up and makes them into frozen convenience snacks you can get next to the
Stuffed Pretzels, I don't expect to get full royalties. I just want to say...you saw it here first.

In the meantime, these are totally going in the lunch boxes. My Little Man had a blast making them with me yesterday. Cooking with kids is the best. Yes.
There you go. Evil and good. Just another service I'm happy-giddy to provide.
Mmmmmm... that DOES sound GOOOOOOOD... and evil! ;-)
That makes me so hungry.
Holy chocolate! Those look yummy. I'm finally going to really make some stuffed stuff for my kids' lunches. I saw the cheese, I loved the pretzels, now the chocolate has finally done me in. Thanks for the ideas. You're amazing.
WOW, I have never had anything like this but it looks SOOOOOO good! Oh, I just want one now! :)
I made some with cheese, but had a hard time with leakage. I tried to seal it up really well, but to no avail. Any tips for me?
The hard cheeses seem to be a little better used as stuffing, though stronger. If you use the cheese that melts really easily, the main thing is to be sure it seals well when you pinch them. It helps to use a little less flour on the cutting board as this sometimes hinders great closure. If you do the cheese it is also helpful to leave space at both ends of the dough strips, between which you cut. If you look at the picture of the chocolate peanut butter bread sticks you can see this a little better. On the cheese ones I did in a previous post I showed them just being cut really close together. This works better with the harder cheeses or the fillings that will not melt. With chocolate and softer cheeses like cheddar, jack and Havarti, I would use this separation method.
My daughter was looking around on your blog and found this one. I think we will have to make it. She wants to have sausage rolls for her birthday dinner and this recipe will work great.
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