Oh my Sunshine Twin Auntie Em had a birthday today. Yes, the girl who always got luscious strawberry shortcake for her birthday. April. It must be nice to have had berries in season. My birthday in November usually meant...spaghetti. I'm not complaining, it's still my favorite meal. It's just not this...

So, to her glorious credit, after a lifetime of being my sister, I can still call her my best friend. Even after those brutal 80's. Gosh what was with the frizzy hair? Or my brother the professor looking more like a surfer than a dorky-smartie-pants-know-it-all? Not that he was...everyday. This post is about Em though...who I shared a room with, fought over sweaters with, cried with...and survived. Happy Birthday. Life wouldn't be tolerable without you sis'ta.

That's all I have to say about that. Oh...and my mom is the same age in this picture as I am now. No comment.
Really...no comment.
April is a great month to have a birthday, and I always have strawberry shortcake for mine too! If berries were in season year round (good ones I mean) then I might even be able to give up chocolate!
See, now you got me going...now we have a logical explanation for why I have the chocolate problem...it's lack of berries.
Ah steph...I just love you! Thanks for the birthday love letter! You are the BEST!
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