I don't know how many remember us first Getting The Garden , or how pathetic my little plot of land looked. Thanks to Hometown Seeds, again for the wonderful seeds! They have been the bomb-dig-a-dee. Oh hey...no pun intended on the dig-a-dee. That's totally geeky.

Just over a month ago, my baby plants had just started to peek through the dirt. I was ever so elated...mainly because I was working straight from seed and wasn't sure if I would get any growth at all. I hoped. I prayed. I watered and gave them good soil.
Just over a month ago, my baby plants had just started to peek through the dirt. I was ever so elated...mainly because I was working straight from seed and wasn't sure if I would get any growth at all. I hoped. I prayed. I watered and gave them good soil.
Well, here we are 7 weeks into it...and wouldn't you know, I'm already thinking I planted too many zucchini. Apparently...they do grow like gang-busters. Dad warned me and I did remember to only plant 3 seeds. Who knew that all three plants would grow! Crap. Now I'm going to be doing the midnight fly-by runs. As a random fact, I look good in a bandit cap. That dark hooded figure dropping off random bags of zucchini at unaware neighbor's doors may or may not be me. Ding and ditch is such a lame way to get rid of extra veggies. You who left bags of the large puffy squash at my door last year at 12:34 AM will have to find another drop zone this year. Fess up you zucchini bandits. I know who you are...and I'm not making zucchini bread for you this year...again. I have bigger squash to fry.
The peas are a couple feet high. Cussing Granny danced around in a circle when she saws these today.
Everything has come in. I couldn't be more excited if I tried. Why is that? I'm a complete garden geek. There. I said it. I know my Dad is happy to hear it. Compare that picture to what we started with and I'm feeling darn right giddy! Oh dear..."triple G". Giddy Garden Geek. That's a whole new level of dork right there. Okay...the onions and potatoes got a head start. The ones from seed look a lot like chives right now. The potatoes are most exciting to Cussing Granny who grew up on a potato farm. It won't be a huge crop...but it will be ours. Anyway, I just had to share. That's what I do.
I know you're glad to hear me say , "That's all I have to say about that. "
I miss the "Zucchini a plenty" of my Utah days. I used to grate it and put it in the freezer in 1 cup portions ready for making any kind of Zucchini treat all winter long..
I will never forget my best friends first garden when she planted 10 Zucchini plants.. lol..
Your garden looks so good. I can't start here in Colorado yet. I am getting ready to grow some starter plants in the house in anticipation of sunny weather. We really can't plant until May. Oh sigh. We will get there though. Sometimes I really miss sunny San Diego! Well, I gave up year round sun for being close to the grand-kids. No contest, glad to be here in the snow.
Your garden looks fantastic! Kind of jealous, since ours is still in the baby stages. We regularly have people drop off zucchini outside the post office for anyone to take. If there's produce outside the post office, it's fair game. Works pretty well--then you don't have to wear a mask! ;)
I'm totally jealous you can already start your garden. I've only been able to plant peas...they're barely moving. Sniff...
I LOVE zucchini! I'm with Gramme..shred and save. I use the shredded zuch to make a sloppy jane of sorts. It's on my blog if you want to find it. SUPER yummy!!!
My sis stole an idea from me to make stuffed zucchini out of the MASSIVELY big ones. Here's the link to her blog: http://bennionbunch.blogspot.com/2009/10/stuffed-zucchini.html
Seriously. If you like meatloaf or something of the sort, you will LOVE this stuffed zucchini. TO DIE FOR. And it gives you excuses to let them sit and grow and not worry. I can hardly wait till stuffed zucchini season....
Looks amazing! I wish my thumb was as green as yours when it comes to gardening. I guess I just need more practice! I did harvest 1 turnip over the weekend though.
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