We took a trip to NBC channel 12 in Phoenix today. Not to sight see, but to shoot a show called Valley Dish and participate in a "brown bag lunch" competition. Ace was nice enough to take the afternoon off work so he could drive me there. Not because I can't drive...just so we would have some fun together. Doesn't he look cool with side burns? Yes, I realize a question about my husband's side burns being cool is almost a declaration of my inability to discern cool from non-cool.

However...this was cool. No question. Thank the Lord for my sweet husband. Ace took my camera so I could play. Isn't he nice? Now you can see what the studio looked like inside.

I saw the set a couple of weeks ago...but Ace didn't. He went all "touristy" with the camera. I need to get him a flowery Hawaiian shirt and some funky sunglasses for how touristy he was. I'm so glad he was there. Really. I always feel better when he is around...be especially when I do something crazy fun like this.

His favorite shot..."behind the scenes".

Then we cooked. I promise when I have a working video link I'll post it.

I'm so excited to have been asked by NBC channel 12 here in Phoenix to join Valley Dish for the
Best Brown Bag Lunch Competition . It aired this afternoon at 4:30 PM. I had the chance to visit their studio and loved seeing the set. It was beautiful! The long term goal is still to being able to have a weekly spot as a chef on local TV. I'll keep making the rounds and hopefully someone will think I'm cool enough to hire, right?! In the meantime...we're still having fun non-stop around here and sapping the love out of life. I'm so grateful for all of the love you all share with me everyday. It keeps me smiling, laughing, singing and flailing my arms while tap dancing. Okay...I don't tap dance. You get it though right? Smooches to all! I'll be sure to post the link to the actual show to all of you who are out of the state, or country! Happy-happy-joy-joy! (Yes, I'm doing the dance right now...). Did I mention I won? Yes...you knew I could make a nice lunch...but now I can say I won "best brown bag lunch" on the Valley Dish. I won't let it go to my head...today.
Can hardly wait to see this! looking forward to that post! Loves, em
CONGRATULATIONS, Tess!! You Won! It was so fun to watch. (Did you hear me cheering for you??) You did a super job- handled the questions like a champ and even that smoking bacon on the too hot burner. (Scary!) But you really pulled it off and made it look easy. I'm so proud of you! :)
Yes! It was cool to win. Chef Laura is amazing. We really did have a lot of fun!
So, what did you WIN? I didn't see any giant sized check! ;] Ha ha! We're so happy for you!! (even though the blasted dvr didn't work and we only caught the end . . .!)
Um...I won bragging rights. They didn't do a giant check or a trip to Disneyland...though that would have made my kids sooo happy. But, I'll settle for bragging rights (for now).
=] I love your goal to have your own weekly cooking show!!! Little steps . . .
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