Monday, September 17, 2012

3 New Convenient Breakfast Meals in a Jar or Mylar

I promised these new convenient hot cereal breakfast meals for emergency preparedness and everyday use. I know...that promise came 2 weeks ago...and then pneumonia got the better of me and I tried to not over-do. Needless to say, you get them now. I don't think you'll mind waiting. If this is your first time visiting the blog you want to know all the safety on home vacuum'll need to read the post here. This is not home-canning. It is home vacuum packing for longer-term storage so there are some tips and tricks to know. However, the main thing is to remember to have fun! These are great for any day of the week and have been so helpful as I've recently had illness. They're simple enough that my 9 and 13 year old boys can make them. Don't ask my husband to boil water...he's still working on that. Grin.
The word I've heard back from all of you on the Peanut Butter Cup Cereal has been amazing!

 Thank you for keeping me in the loop as you try the meals and offering me your suggestions and ideas! It not only makes me smile, but also reminds me why I do what I do!
I will of course, remind y'all that I under-sweeten the cereals. If you want them sweeter, test the recipe and adjust as needed. 

1st up...

 9 grain carrot cranberry orange glazed pudding!
 This is made with 9 wholesome cracked grains coupled with  carrots in a spiced amaretto buttery pudding with tart yet sweet sun-dried cranberries drizzled with a creamy orange glaze.

9 Grain Carrot-Cake Cranberry 
Orange Glazed Breakfast Pudding

1/4 cup dehydrated shredded or diced dehydrated carrots
3/4 cup 9 9 grain cracked cereal
1/4 cup granulated honey
1/2 tsp Chess Tess Wise Women Blend
1/4 tsp almond powdered flavoring
1/4 tsp salt
Glaze snack bag:
1/2 cup powdered sugar
1/4 tsp orange powdered flavor
cranberry  snack bag:
1/2 cup dehydrated orange infused cranberries

Put ingredients in a pint jar for a single serving. Top with an Oxygen Absorber and seal tightly for the jar to be shelf stable up to 3 years. Or, if you are going to use the jars, they are shelf-stable up to a year without an oxygen absorber. To keep glaze separate for a topper/drizzle place ingredients in a snack-size zip bag and place in the jar to prepare for later.

Directions to prepare cereal: Combine dry ingredients with 3 cups boiling water and cook 10-15 minutes. Mix orange glaze with 1T cool water and stir until smooth. Sprinkle dried cranberries over hot cereal mixture.
Serve hot. Yield 4 servings.

 Next up is Cussin' Granny's
 Buttermilk lemon-vanilla custard! 

It is everything warm and inviting about grandma's creamy-smooth lightly spiced Buttermilk Custard Tart...with the convenience of a quick cooking breakfast cereal.

Granny's Buttermilk Breakfast Custard

1/3 cup buttermilk powder 
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 cup farina (cream-of-wheat)
1/4 tsp Chef Tess Wise Women Blend
1/4 tsp lemon powder flavor
1/2 tsp vanilla powder flavor
1/2 tsp butterscotch powder flavor

Put ingredients in a half-pint jar. Top with an Oxygen Absorber and seal tightly for jar to be shelf stable up to 5 years. Or, if you are going to use the jars, they are shelf-stable up to a year without an oxygen absorber.
Directions to prepare cereal: Combine dry ingredients with 2 cup boiling water and cook 3-4 minutes. Or, microwave with 1 1/4 cup water for 2 minutes. Stir, and cook 1 additional minute. 
Serve hot. 

 Next up...
6 grain Double chocolate hazelnut truffle cup. 
The way the chocolate chunks simply melt in luscious divinity over the warm gooey sinful pile of happiness might be too much for your heart.  

6 Grain Double Chocolate 
Hazelnut Truffle Cup

1/2 cup 6 grain rolled cereal
2 Tbsp. Hazelnut creamer powder
2 Tbsp. baker's cocoa powder
pinch of salt
1/2 tsp butterscotch powder flavor

Put ingredients in a half-pint jar for a single serving. Top with an Oxygen Absorber and seal tightly for jar to be shelf stable up to 5 years. Or, if you are going to use the jars, they are shelf-stable up to a year without an oxygen absorber.

Directions to prepare cereal: Combine dry ingredients with 1 1/4 cup boiling water and cook 3-4 minutes. Or, microwave with 1 1/4 cup water for 2 minutes. Stir, and cook 1 additional minute.  Serve hot. You may top with chopped chocolate if desired.

There you go. 3 new breakfast meals in a jar/Mylar.

Yes they can be made in Mylar bags as well! The tutorial for that is here.

Always My Very Best,
Your Friend Chef Tess


Unknown said...

You never cease to AMAZE! Can you please tell me where to get the flavored powders in Granny's recipe? Thanks in Advance! God Bless to You and Yours

Unknown said...

Chef Tess,I know your super busy but could you please let me know about the flavored powders in Granny's recipe. I don't mean to be a pain. These breakfast treats look amazing and I can't wait to try them. Not only do they look good, but they are good for you as well! Whats not to Love? Thanks again.

Chef Tess said...

Janie, then can be found at all the Honeyville farms retail store locations or online here:

AdronsCatherine said...

Is there something I could use to make a gluten free version of these recipes?

I am soooooooo in love with your site! I really can't wait to start putting your fabulous recipes together to prepare my family for an emergency!!!

Chef Tess said...

If you switch out creamy rice or corn grits in place of the cream cereals it can be done. On the 6 grain topper, use gluten free oats instead.

Anonymous said...

Hi ! I’m new to the meals in a jar community. I’ve noticed that recipes/ information is at least 12 years old… are you still doing this or have any current information? The freeze dried company you recommended isn’t in business?